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HACCP Certification Course


Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) is a systematic preventive approach to food safety from biological, chemical, physical and recently, radiological hazards in production processes that can cause unsafe finished products, to design measures to reduce these risks to a safe level. The HACCP system was initially created for food safety by NASA in the late 1950s and adopted by the Codex Alimentarius in 1969. Since then, more than 150 countries and regulatory bodies have been committed to the HACCP system to ensure the safety of ingredients and products made in food facilities. 

In 1997, USDA published HACCP guidelines for products imported to the US, which became the historic guide to the world. The HACCP system design, implementation and maintenance have been completed in many countries worldwide, therefore, the knowledge and experience of HACCP prove to be a basic requirement for both employers and employees in the industries. In the food and pharmaceutical industries, GMP is the pre-requisite program to be implemented prior to implementing the HACCP system.

Since 2010, Global Food Safety Initiatives (GFSI) has been extensively implemented by manufacturers for ingredients and products of food and pharmaceutical industries. The most GFSI benchmark programs implemented worldwide by manufacturers are ISO 22000 along with some BRC in Asian and European countries and SQF and BRC with a small portion of ISO 22000 in North American countries. All the GFSI programs include GMP as Food Safety Fundamentals, and HACCP as Safety and Quality Control programs. Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) has enforced the Safe Food for Canadians Regulations (SFCR) since January 15, 2019, and the US FDA enforces the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) including Hazard Analysis and Risk-based Preventive Controls (HARPC) for manufacturers. Therefore, the GMP and HACCP certification programs developed here always stay updated of regulatory requirements and industrial needs.

Canadian College of Food and Health (CCFH) offers both in-class and online HACCP training.


Why take GMP and HACCP training?

General GMPs and inspections are carried out by regulatory bodies such as CFIA, USDA or FDA for the federal or regulated categories of commodities, to assess the degree of conformity to prescribed standards (e.g., GMP, cGMP, pre-requisite programs), and to assess/ audit the compliance with the relevant regulatory requirements, e.g., license provision. Most professionals working in GMP-compliant organizations are expected to be able to provide an individual certificate as proof of compliance.

For employers that have their facility licensed with GMP or site license or HACCP program implemented, they understand the requirements to provide GMP and HACCP training regularly to the employees either internally or externally to ensure that the employees have the appropriate knowledge or competency to support GMP and HACCP described activities within the facility, the supply chain, the customers or contractors. Therefore, they will also seek and hire employees with the required qualifications.

For employees, job seekers, new graduates or new immigrants who wish to enter the food and pharmaceutical industries, having industry-oriented GMP and HACCP certificates absolutely helps them be more prepared, ready and competitive when applying for a job in the industry including manufacturing, OEM or co-packer, government agency jobs, laboratory opportunities, when asking for a salary increase, when first stepping into the promising food industry, or when there is a need to upgrade skills and knowledge, especially in North America and Europe. In recent years, more and more students coming from Africa, South America, the Middle East, Korea, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Philippines, Singapore, Vietnam, China, and many other countries have been benefited from our industry-oriented GMP, GFSI and HACCP training modules, which are all integrated into our GMP-HACCP certification course. Our instructors possess 20 – 40 years’ experience and most of them hold senior positions in the industry.


HACCP Course Description

The FULL course has been developed by top industry experts and experienced instructors who have trained hundreds to thousands of professionals working in the food and pharmaceutical industries across the world. The instructors will explain how GMP and HACCP regulations are applied in professional day-to-day activities and provide interactive content including videos, graphics, case studies, and hands-on tasks to engage learners. This training program will help you access the GMP and HACCP guidelines in a well-structured way, and understand the step-by-step process of production and testing that ensures safe and quality products. Special emphasis will be given to the development, implementation, and maintenance of the HACCP program. 

The 6 lectures of the HACCP course:

  • Lecture 1: Development of HACCP Plan
  • Lecture 2: HACCP Implementation, Maintenance and Validation
  • Lecture 3: HACCP System Audit and Reassessment
  • Lecture 4: GFSI & SQF – Industrial HACCP System (1-2)
  • Lecture 5: BRC & FSSC 22000 – Industrial HACCP System (2-2)
  • Lecture 6: Summary – HACCP, SFCRs, HARPC & MFSA

All training components of the course are in compliance with the Codex Alimentarius and the Canadian Food Inspection Agency's HACCP Curriculum Guidelines. Upon the successful completion of the course, the participant will receive an official HACCP certificate.

Feedback From Students

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Tareen Thank-you Letter